Sunday, August 31, 2008

Give thanks

The cool, crisp morning air came wafing through the open window this morning and greeted me in the loft, reminding me of the early mornings in Nevada where mountain cold morning air is enough to keep you under the covers a little longer.

It's 6:45 am and I stumble out of bed, 15 minutes before the alarm. This is my mode of operation. Usually on time, but sometimes early. I haven't quite yet figured out how to get things to work in sync -- not so much in real time, but in my dreams and desires.

Making some hot oatmeal and coffee is just the right combination of hot for this morning. I grab my Bible, an old journal to thumb through and my journal for today's thoughts. Yesterday while cleaning, I found "Our Daily Bread" daily reading guide and now have it conveniently stuffed in the back of the Bible. Slippers on the feet, hot coffee in hand, I read 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God."

In a changing world, I can trust God's unchanging word and it's here this morning while reading that I remember to "Give thanks" and "Give praise".

Give. What do I have to give a God so vast in His expanse of understanding and wisdom, so far beyond my reach yet reachable because He chooses to come near each day? I have so very little to impress Him.

What does it mean to give God something anyways? These are intangible words and I live in a tangible, visible world.

Give: freely transfer the possession of something to someone; hand over; bestow love, affection or other emotional support; commit, consign, entrust, freely devote, set aside, sacrifice for a purpose.

Of all these former definitions, the one that grabs my attention most this morning is to "set aside."

It's as if God knows we need the encouragement when it was penned to set aside thanks and praise for Him. Not because we aren't thankful or full of praise, but maybe because we are so busy we forget the one who stands by our side day and night tirelessly loving us through everything every day.

God I have so much to be thankful for! And of all the things I'm passionate about and express my delight in or the approval and admiration of others, of all the things I write about, love to do and see and be, it's you I praise the most. God I so admire you. I respect you for being such a holy God yet choosing to come close to sinful me. I am thankful for your constant love and purpose guarding and guiding my way. I give you my praise, my thankful heart. I give you me.

Thank you for giving me you. I praise you God! I give you thanks!

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