Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December's cold in Budapest

It's been really cold in Budapest the last few days. Every time I get out and run or bike I'm absolutely and ridiculously freezing. I don't like the cold weather at all and I'm trying to find a face mask that I can wear to keep my cheeks from freezing off. It's actually really funny but I want to stay on track with training and if this cold weather continues like this, I don't see how I can do it without a face mask.


Cliff said...

Just make sure u don't walk in the bank with the mask :p

I give you props for riding in the cold. Once the snow comes down..it is all riding on the trainer now.

Jen in Budapest said...

Ha ha. Yep. Well, that will be my set up in the future but i actually enjoy getting outside and enjoying things too.

No(dot dot)el said...

I have a face mask. I think it is Greg's that he left behind. He is always leaving his crap behind here. Seriously I give you props for being out there in the cold weather those kind of conditions just take the wind right out from underneath my sails.
Thank God for my treadmill. When you get home we can go to Bikram and warm right up.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're thinking of robbing a bank! :) Sorry it's so cold. That makes workouts tough! Good luck.

Jen in Budapest said...

Yes, Noel, Bikram Yoga will definitely be in order. Can't wait. Love you. Thanks for the encouragement, Annette. Not sure what my options are because I don't think I want to pay for a gym membership right now so I have to rough it in the cold....argh