Saturday, December 8, 2007

Unfailing Love

This morning I awoke to a subtle sense of God's unfailing, unconditional love. 

And now as I think about it - what enables the heart to know that there is such a thing as "love"? If it were not possible and true, then we would not desire it. But that's another blog for another time.

If God could physically greet me with a kiss and breakfast in bed, He did that this morning. My whole being came alive as my mind was captured with thoughts of God's incredible presence in my life.  He is so real. His love is reliable, constant, steadfast, unfading, boundless, and tireless.

The funny thing is - I'm not always reliable, constant, steadfast, unfading, boundless and tireless in my love for Him and in my love for others.

I don't know about you but sometimes I get tired of people. It's easy to love people when it's on my terms. God is not like us at all. His love is not ambiguous. It's not limited or restricted to God's good days. God doesn't have any bad days. For that, I'm thankful.

The opposite is also true. People get tired of us. I don't think I really know how much love costs until I do something stupid and hope that the love of family or friends doesn't wear out. It's in these moments that I realize I don't know how much unconditional love is worth until I need it. 

Unconditional love is difficult to comprehend. This kind of love is not subject to any conditions. I realize I'm very conditional by nature. If certain things aren't done a certain way, sometimes I hold back. What is that? That's not unconditional love.

Unconditional love is wholehearted. So many times I am half-hearted.  I may limit or restrict or reserve some of myself so that I don't get hurt. Out of self-protection I am guarded. Yet, God holds nothing back. His entire essence and purpose in our lives is clear and plain. 

David Crowder sings that he will be "even more undignified" in his love for God. But I think that God is often what we might consider undignified in His love for us.  Sometimes our lives are just not pretty. But God loves us through all the mess, all the "jank" and continues to lift us by that love. That's amazing.

His love should leave no doubt in our mind about His intentions toward us. He is not ambiguous but very clear that He is committed to us for the long-haul and He won't turn back. His love should be indisputable, undeniable. He has made it clear and plain. His love is not open to our interpretation. 

What Jesus Christ did on the cross is a settling and sobering thing. 

He left us no doubt. What will we do with His unfailing love? First, I believe I must allow it to penetrate my life and transform my thinking. God's thoughts and His ways are not my thoughts or my ways. And finally, unfailing love is worth giving away! Find someone that you can tell or share His presence with today.

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