Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Winter Wonderland

Northern Nevada is a winter wonderland and I LOVE it! I want to go sledding, snowshoeing and throw snowballs. Maybe Monday they will cancel school for Noel's kids and I'll get back up to Reno safely and my dream will come true. But for tonight and tomorrow, I'll settle for my parents warm fire, hot drinks, snacky food and Dean Martin re-runs that mom got two years ago for Christmas from dad. Last night I survived an all out brawl between mom and Gina.......a compromise settled the issue and we alternated dvd's between mom's Dean Martin and Gina's Full House episodes. I'm really not partial to either. It's all about being with family. I'm so thankful for this Christmas break with those I love.


No(dot dot)el said...

this made me smile, thinking about mom and gina fighting over air time for such dorky stuff.

Jen in Budapest said...

yep. it was classic.